kussembargo.com | Tip Of The Iceberg
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In times of rising homo-, queer- and transphobia it is a conscious choice to offer a conversation starter to colleagues, teachers, the audience as well as myself. Through meaning embedded in the chosen materials and forms I position myself within feminist queer sex culture: I associate and bring together brain and roses, femmeness and military, fine art, and fisting. It is about language beyond words. The medium is sculpture, and installation.

Installation views from the work at the group show Closer, Albatross Gallery, Glasgow March 2023.

Tip Of The Iceberg (2023)

Part I (Candy Clits)
Sugar, Water, Food Color
approx. 3,4 x 3,8 x 7 cm (several pieces)

Part II (Pink Figure)
Camouflage Net, Thread, Steel, Plastic
185 x 130 x 130 cm (2 pieces)

Part III (Hand Gestures)
approx. 23 x 23 x 23 cm (3 pieces)

Fotos: Elliot Mountain

Candy Clits
Fisting I  (Segensgeste)
Fisting II
Fisting III
Pink Figure

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